YouGo Lisboa 1.1
"A Guide that gives you immediate access torelevant information on all the tourist activities of Portugal'sCapital and also a Cultural Calendar covering the Estoril Coast,Oeiras, Sintra and Mafra, with information on Dance, Exhibitions,Music and Theatre, updated daily.Discover the city's seven hills. Get to know all the mainattractions of this magnificent city. Plan your visit before youarrive, and enrich your experience while you stay.From the heart of its old quarters , from culture to cuisine, fadoto contemporary music, Lisbon always manages to surprise itsvisitors!The content of YouGo guides is carefully selected. Theactivities – Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Activities, Nightlife,Monuments, Museums and Places of Interest - are recommended by thebest critics, and domestic tourists are its best clients. YouGoGuides have become such an important point of reference thatthey have been adopted by numerous hotel chains which use them as asource of local information for their guests.Functions:Intuitive browsingInformation regularly updatedShare information via Facebook, Twitter and EmailAccessed content is saved (offline)Direct access via Telephone, Website, EmailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd it to your ContactsIntegrated web browserDiscover Lisboa with your mobile phone!"
YouGo Lisboa e Vale do Tejo 1.0.1
Um Guia que lhe dá acesso imediato ainformação relevante sobre todos os activos turísticos da Capitalde Portugal e ainda a uma Agenda Cultural.A selecção dos conteúdos dos Guias YouGo é feita de formacriteriosa. Os seus activos - Hotéis, Restaurantes, Animaçãoturística, Animação nocturna, Monumentos, Museus e Pontos deinteresse - são recomendados pelos melhores críticos, e os turistasresidentes os seus melhores clientes. Os Guias YouGo tornaram-senuma referência tão significativa que foram adoptados por inúmerascadeias hoteleiras no momento de disponibilizarem informação aosseus hóspedes sobre a região onde os mesmos se encontram.
YouGo Sintra 1.1
"A Guide that provides you with immediateaccess to relevant information on all the tourist activities inSintra and also gives you a Cultural Events Calendar withinformation about Dance, Exhibitions, Music and Theatre, allupdated daily.Sintra, named a UNESCO World heritage Site in 1995, is theperfect combination of Culture and Nature. Your YouGo Guide willacquaint you with all the attractions of this town and itsenchanted mountains. Plan your visit before you arrive, and enrichyour experience while you stay.The content of YouGo guides is carefully selected. Theactivities – Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Activities, Nightlife,Monuments, Museums and Places of Interest - are recommended by thebest critics, and domestic tourists are its best clients. YouGoGuides have become such an important point of reference thatthey have been adopted by numerous hotel chains which use them as asource of local information for their guests.Functions:Intuitive browsingInformation regularly updatedShare information via Facebook, Twitter and EmailAccessed content is saved (offline)Direct access via Telephone, Website, EmailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd it to your ContactsIntegrated web browserDiscover Sintra with your mobile phone!"
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 1.2
Aplicação oficial da Fundação CalousteGulbenkian que permite aceder de forma simples ao cartaz, notícias,contactos e informações e horários de cada um dos serviços abertosao público.As actividades da Fundação Gulbenkian a qualquer hora e emqualquer lugar.Em cartaz pode encontrar:· Concertosinformação sobre cada um dos concertos no Grande Auditório ou noAnfiteatro ao Ar Livre, horários e acesso à bilheteira· Exposiçõeshorários, localização, descrição e imagens· Eventosdescrição dos eventos organizados pela Fundação Gulbenkian,acessos, contactos e horários· Actividades Educativasdescrição das actividades educativas para adultos, crianças efamílias, horários e acesso à bilheteiraAs notícias reproduzidas são as divulgadas pela FundaçãoGulbenkian e podem conter multimedia.Sobre a Fundação Calouste GulbenkianCom sede em Lisboa, foi criada por Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian,arménio, pioneiro da industria do petróleo, filantropo ecoleccionador de arte que se instalou em Portugal em 1942. AFundação tem quatro fins estatutários: Arte, Beneficência, Ciênciae Educação.A Fundação Gulbenkian alberga, desde 1969, a colecção de arte dofundador no Museu Calouste Gulbenkian e desde 1983 uma das maisimportantes colecções de arte moderna portuguesa e britânica no CAM(Centro de Arte Moderna). Tem ainda um coro e uma orquestra , umaBiblioteca de Arte, o Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, escritóriosem Londres, Reino Unido, e um Centro Cultural em Paris, França.
Siam Park 1.0
Official App Siam Park.Siam Park, Tenerife's water kingdom is part of the Loro Parquegroup. Inaugurated in 2008 by HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Siam Parkis already established as one of the best water parks in the world.Mystical sceneries, exciting slides for the whole family and anunbelievable atmosphere will make your day an unbelievableexperience.This application requires an Internet connection, but you candownload all of the contents for offline viewing, in order to avoidroaming costs from your mobile network operator.
Hotel Botanico 1.1
Official App Hotel Botanico.The Hotel Botanico is the only official 5-star “Grand Luxe”Hotel on the Canary Islands. It’s located in Puerto de la Cruz atthe foot of Tenerife’s Mount Teide, which is one of the mostcharacteristic and fertile areas of this beautiful island. Thehotel was purchased by the Loro Parque Group in 1995, after whichit was completely redesigned and renovated. Since 1998 it is aproud member of the prestigious hotel group The Leading Hotels ofthe World.
Centro Cultural de Belém 1.0.2
CCB official application.What if you could have, at the palm of your hand, all theinformation about Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB)?Check the programming, the schedules and prices. Buy tickets, watchtrailers and promo videos.Get to know the conference centre, our rooms and schedule a visit.CCB is even more close to you!Download CCB’s app and carry us all around.
Loro Parque 1.0
Official App Loro Parque.Loro Parque is the Canaries’ world famous and most belovedanimal adventure park. In this special little bit of paradise, youare invited to create some unforgettable holiday memories. Out ofthe ordinary experiences await you as you see the park’s animals intheir carefully reproduced natural habits, which will put you rightin the center of the different animal worlds.This application requires an Internet connection, but you candownload all of the contents for offline viewing, in order to avoidroaming costs from your mobile network operator.
YouGo Leiria-Fátima 1.1
"A Guide that provides you with immediateaccess to relevant information on all the tourist activities inLeiria-Fátima and also gives you a Cultural Events Calendar withinformation about Dance, Exhibitions, Music and Theatre, allupdated daily.(…) “this is the culmination of an innovative project, whichwill enable every visitor who signs up to discover the touristattractions of the whole region and enjoy a quality stay”- DavidCatarino (Director Leiria-Fátima Tourist Board).Region of outstanding beauty, a wide range of attractions andgreat spiritual comfort. Your YouGo Guide will acquaint you withall the attractions of a Region with Soul.Plan your visit before you arrive and enrich your experience whileyou stay. With a huge range of attractions, Leiria-Fátima alwayssurprises its visitors. From culture to cuisine, history to nature,from art to religion.The content of YouGo guides is carefully selected. Theactivities – Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Activities, Nightlife,Monuments, Museums and Places of Interest - are recommended by thebest critics, and domestic tourists are its best clients. YouGoGuides have become such an important point of reference thatthey have been adopted by numerous hotel chains which use them as asource of local information for their guests.Functions:Intuitive browsingInformation regularly updatedShare information via Facebook, Twitter and EmailAccessed content is saved (offline)Direct access via Telephone, Website, EmailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd it to your ContactsIntegrated web browserDiscover Leiria-Fátima with your mobile phone!"
YouGo Alentejo and Ribatejo 1.0.1
Official travel guide for the region ofAlentejo and Ribatejo.Discover the best restaurants and choose your accommodations inthe Alentejo and Ribatejo. Explore the cultural heritage and a vastselection of activities like wine tasting, nature walks, leisurewater sports, golf and much more. Don't miss out on any festivaland find out about the upcoming regional events.Browse and search for your area of interest and save yourfavorites. Know what is around you.Also works in offline mode (without internet), allowing you totransfer contents to your smartphone.
Museu da Marioneta 1.2.4
Marioneta's Museum Official AppNow all the information about Museu da Marioneta is on yourhands. You may find out more about the collections, the Conventodas Bernardas and the district of Madragoa, and hear theaudio-guides.Internet-----------This app requires an Internet connection to obtain the contents,which we store (cache) on the phone after you’ve accessedthem.This makes it faster, economizes you carrier data plan and enablesyou to use the app even in offline mode (only cached contents willbe accessible).The most recent contents are a just a “tap” way, by pressing therefresh button on the screen you wish to update.
YouGo Costa Estoril 1.2
A Guide that provides you with immediateaccess to relevant information on all the tourist activities inEstoril Coast and also gives you a Cultural Events Calendar withinformation about Dance, Exhibitions, Music and Theatre, allupdated daily.The content of YouGo guides is carefully selected. Theactivities – Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Activities, Nightlife,Monuments, Museums and Places of Interest - are recommended by thebest critics, and domestic tourists are its best clients. YouGoGuides have become such an important point of reference thatthey have been adopted by numerous hotel chains which use them as asource of local information for their guests.Functions:Intuitive browsingInformation regularly updatedShare information via Facebook, Twitter and EmailAccessed content is saved (offline)Direct access via Telephone, Website, EmailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd it to your ContactsIntegrated web browserDiscover the Estoril Coast with your mobile phone!
YouGo Oeiras 1.1
"A Guide that provides you with immediateaccess to relevant information on all the tourist activities inOeiras and also gives you a Cultural Events Calendar withinformation about Dance, Exhibitions, Music and Theatre, allupdated daily.Oeiras lies halfway along the line that connects Lisbon toCascais. From its small and well-kept historical quarter to itsriverfront promenade, Oeiras has in recent years grown to becomeone of the country's major entrepreneurial centres.Your YouGo Guide will acquaint you with all the attractions of thismagnificent area well-known for its dynamism. Plan your visitbefore you arrive, and enrich your experience while you stay.The content of YouGo guides is carefully selected. Theactivities – Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Activities, Nightlife,Monuments, Museums and Places of Interest - are recommended by thebest critics, and domestic tourists are its best clients. YouGoGuides have become such an important point of reference thatthey have been adopted by numerous hotel chains which use them as asource of local information for their guests.Functions:Intuitive browsingInformation regularly updatedShare information via Facebook, Twitter and EmailAccessed content is saved (offline)Direct access via Telephone, Website, EmailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd it to your ContactsIntegrated web browserGo for it! Discover Oeiras with your mobile phone."
Gaps 1.2.0
Aplicação em evolução contínua construída paraas equipas de vendas, alicerçada no modelo compromissus e que visapotenciar as vendas (e a relação Cliente), a liderança e a parceriaentre os diferentes agentes do mercado (Marcas e suas Redes; MasterFranchising e suas Lojas...).Através do gaps mobile terá a oportunidade de:-criar entidades de forma rápida-registar ou agendar contactos realizados com o seu cliente-criar interlocutores associados a uma entidade, seja Empresa oumesmo Particular.-tomar notas sobre os seus clientes-consultar os seus eventos diários-responder rapidamente às leads que chegam até si via Marca ouMaster Franchising, qualificando os clientes e registando oresultado desse mesmo contacto-consultar todos os seus negócios e entidades-consultar todas suas vendas-consultar todo o histórico com o seu cliente-utilizar a sua base de dados para contactar os seus clientes-utilizar o seu smart phone ou tablet para fotografar documentos, aviatura do seu cliente ou potencial cliente ou até mesmo o seucliente numa entrega, ficando essa informação associada á ficha daentidade.Application evolvingconstructed for sales teams, based in compromissus model, whichaims to boost sales (and client relationship), leadership andpartnership between the different market actors (trade marks andtheir networks; Master Franchising and its Lodges ...).Through the mobile gaps will have the opportunity to:-Create entities quickly-registar or schedule made contact with your customer-Create interlocutors associated with an entity, either company oreven private.-take notes on your customers-Consult your daily events-Answer quickly to leads coming to you via Brand or MasterFranchising, qualifying customers and recording the results of thatcontact-Consult all its businesses and entities-Consult all your sales-Consult entire history with your customer-using your database to contact your customers-using your smart phone or tablet to photograph documents, thevehicle of your potential client or customer or even your customera delivery, getting this information will be associated Recordentity.
YouGo Évora 1.1
"A Guide that gives you immediate accesstorelevant up-to-date information about all tourist activitiesinÉvora.(…) “this is the culmination of an innovative project whichwillallow tourists from home and abroad visiting our city toenjoytheir stay with more knowledge and information attheirfingertips.”- Ernesto d´Oliveira (Mayor of Évora CityCouncil).Évora, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is oneofPortugal's choice destinations. Your YouGo Guide will helpyoudiscover all the attractions of this marvellous Alentejo city.Planyour visit before you arrive and enrich your experiencewhileyou're here.With a huge range of attractions, Évora alwaysofferssurprises..from culture to cuisine, local customs tohotelfacilities.We select your YouGo Guide content with special care.Youractivities – Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Entertainment,Nightlife,Monuments, Museums and Places of Interest – arerecommended by thebest critics, and local tourists are our bestclients. YouGo Guideshave become such an important reference pointthat they have beenadopted by numerous hotel chains as anindispensable way ofproviding their customers with informationabout the surroundingregion.Functions:Intuitive navigationRegularly updated informationShare through Facebook, Twitter and emailAll visualized content stored (offline mode)Direct access via phone, website or emailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd to your ContactsIntegrated web browserTry it out! Discover Évora on your mobile."
Bandeira Azul 1.0
Aplicação oficial da Associação BandeiraAzulda Europa.Fique a par de todas as Notícias relevantes eActividadesplaneadas.Conheça as praias e marinas galardoadas com a BandeiraAzul.Escolha as suas favoritas e planeie as viagens para as quepretendevisitar.Aplicação desenvolvida com o apoio da FundaçãoVodafonePortugal.Official applicationofthe European Blue Flag Association.Stay abreast of all the relevant news and plannedactivities.Discover the beaches and marinas awarded the Blue Flag.Chooseyour favorites and plan to travel you want to visit.Application developed with support from the VodafonePortugalFoundation.
Coral Hotels Tenerife 1.0
Coral Hotels Tenerife is the new applicationofour chain of hotels and apartments "Coral Hotels".Through this application you can obtain detailedinformationabout our complexes as well as photos, offers andlocation of eachestablishment. We give advice and opportunities tofully enjoy yourholiday in the south and north of our island, whileyou relax andrest in our fully prepared hotels and apartments.Get to know more about us by downloading our new application,andstart planning an unforgettable holiday in Tenerife withyourfamily, partner or friends in our complexes. The diversity ofourtype of facilities is extensive, all excellently located andcloseto our best beaches!
Publicações IBGC 1.1.0
As publicações são resultado concretodotrabalho do IBGC no processo de pesquisa e disseminação doconceitode Governança Corporativa, elas abraçam desde códigos atéboletimsemanal. Seu conteúdo não se restringe à divulgação deinformações,mas também na produção de materiais geradores dedebates.Sua produção subdivide-se no Código das Melhores PráticasdeGovernança Corporativa; na publicação de livros (com baseempesquisas e vivências do Instituto), da série de CadernosdeGovernança Corporativa; na produção do IBGC em Foco e doboletiminformativo; e na elaboração das Cartas Diretrizes e dassériesEstudo de Casos e Experiências em Governança Corporativa.Todas as publicações do Instituto são norteadas pelo CódigodasMelhores Práticas de Governança Corporativa.Publications areconcreteresult of the work of IBGC in research and dissemination oftheconcept of corporate governance, since they embrace codestoprocess weekly newsletter. Its content is not restrictedtoinformation disclosure, but also in the production ofgeneratingmaterials debates.Its production is divided in the Best Corporate GovernanceCode;the publication of books (based on research and experiences oftheInstitute), the series of books of Corporate Governance;productionIBGC in Focus and newsletter; and the development ofguidelines andLetters Case Studies and Experiences in CorporateGovernanceseries.All publications of the Institute are guided by the Code ofBestPractice of Corporate Governance.
YouGo Mafra 1.1
"A Guide that provides you withimmediateaccess to relevant information on all the touristactivities inMafra and also gives you a Cultural Events Calendarwithinformation about Dance, Exhibitions, Music and Theatre,allupdated daily.Mafra, conquered from the Moors in 1147, is the county townwherelandscape, culture and traditions reflect the authenticity ofitspeople.Your YouGo Guide will acquaint you with all the attractions ofatown steeped in history. Plan your visit before you arrive,andenrich your experience while you stay.Discover everything about Ericeira, home to fishermen, andknowntoday as the destination of choice for surfers. Explore theTapadaNacional de Mafra Royal Park with your YouGo Guide.The content of YouGo guides is carefully selected. Theactivities– Hotels, Restaurants, Tourist Activities, Nightlife,Monuments,Museums and Places of Interest - are recommended by thebestcritics, and domestic tourists are its best clients. YouGoGuideshave become such an important point of reference thatthey havebeen adopted by numerous hotel chains which use them as asource oflocal information for their guests.Functions:Intuitive browsingInformation regularly updatedShare information via Facebook, Twitter and EmailAccessed content is saved (offline)Direct access via Telephone, Website, EmailInteractive maps and geolocationPhoto and video galleriesAdd it to your ContactsIntegrated web browserDiscover Mafra with your mobile phone!"
14º CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DEGOVERNANÇACORPORATIVAEM NOVO FORMATO, as tradicionais sessões geraisserãocomplementadas por sessões temáticas segmentadas por trêstrilhasde diferentes tipos de organizações: Empresas de CapitalAberto,Empresas familiares e Outras Organizações (cooperativas,terceirosetor e fundos de pensão).EM 9 SESSÕES TEMÁTICAS, as trilhas abordarão temascomo:diferentes intensidades de atuação dos presidentes deconselhos deadministração, impactos da teoria do domínio do fato enovidades noacesso ao mercado de capitais para as pequenas e médiasempresas.Terão destaque também o papel dos fundos de pensão naimplantaçãode boas práticas de Governança Corporativa nas empresasinvestidas,intensificação do ativismo nas assembleias brasileiras eo processode implementação da Governança em empresasfamiliares.AS 7 SESSÕES GERAIS tratarão, sob o ponto de vista dasnovasfronteiras, dos assuntos atualmente mais discutidos emGovernança:desempenho dos conselhos, melhores práticas decompliance,integridade nos negócios, o novo padrão de transparênciae astendências em regulação e autorregulação.14thINTERNATIONALCONGRESS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCEIN NEW FORMAT, the traditional general sessions willbecomplemented by thematic sessions targeted three tracksofdifferent types of organizations: Public Companies,FamilyBusinesses and other organizations (cooperatives, thirdsector andpension funds).9 IN SESSIONS, the tracks will address topics such as:differentintensities of activity of the presidents of boards,impacts ofdomain theory apparel and novelties in access to capitalmarketsfor small and medium businesses. Have also highlighted therole ofpension funds in the implementation of good corporategovernancepractices in investee companies, intensified activism inBrazilianassemblies and the process of implementation of governanceinfamily businesses.7 THE GENERAL SESSIONS deal from the point of view of thenewfrontiers of the currently most discussed issues ingovernance:performance tips, best practices, compliance, integrityinbusiness, the new standard for transparency and trendsinregulation and autoregulation.
Mobile Edge 3.0
Mobile Edge is an event dedicated toentrepreneurs, professionals and mobile trends enthusiasts. Withbrilliant national and international speakers, the event aims tohelp industry stakeholders with the digital transformation of theirbusinesses, increasing the quality and success of mobile solutionsproduced in Portugal.Mobile Edge will cover all processes, from strategic mobilityplans to flawless technical executions.In the Mobile Edge 2016 edition, we will discuss about Creatingbusiness strategies for digital and mobile transformation, withspecial attention to the maturity of digital mobility and thebalance between technology and strategy, as well as mobilitydata-driven and cloud-based.
BBookApp 1.0
Bbook takes the traditional "briefing sheet"or"briefing book" and delivers the information to anexecutive'smobile device. Customize briefing sheet information foreachmeeting, save and share that information to build profilesonmedia, analysts, customers, etc., and share that informationwithyour PR team, sales team or any other collaborators.To set up an account or get more information, or email